Choosing the right AC system for your Phoenix rental property can be a daunting task! With so many options out there, it can be hard to know which one is best for you. But by following these simple steps, you'll be able to find an air conditioning system that fits your needs perfectly!

First and foremost, (you should) consider the size of your rental property. A too-small unit will struggle to cool your space effectively, while a too-big one will waste energy and cost more money in the long run. To get the best results, measure each room individually and use this data to select an appropriately sized unit.

Next up, consider the features of various models. You may want to opt for a higher end model with added features like timer settings or thermostat controls if it's within budget. Additionally, look at seasonal energy efficiency ratings (SEERs) when comparing models; the higher the rating, the lower your electricity bill will be!

Finally, don't forget to factor in installation costs when making a decision about which AC system is right for you. Professional installation may cost more initially but usually ensures that everything works as expected from day one - plus it’s often safer than attempting a DIY job yourself!

In conclusion, selecting an air conditioning system for your Phoenix rental property doesn’t have to be difficult; simply make sure you take into account size, features and installation costs before making a purchase. By following these tips you’ll quickly find an option that meets all of your needs – without overspending on unnecessaries or compromising on comfort.