The internet has revolutionized the way we connect with each other and share information. It is an incredible asset to our society, yet it can be a double-edged sword. Although the internet provides us with countless opportunities for knowledge and growth, (it) can also be a source of negative influences.

For instance, the internet has created a space where people can anonymously express their most extreme opinions without consequence or accountability. This often leads to cyberbullying, which can have serious consequences on someone's mental health and well being. Furthermore, due to its vastness, it is difficult to regulate what content is available online; this means that children are often exposed to inappropriate material from inappropriately aged sources.

Moreover, users of the internet are vulnerable when providing personal information online - whether it's through social media or ecommerce sites - as there is no guarantee that this data will not be misused by third parties! Identity theft and frauds have become increasingly prevalent thanks to the lack of security measures taken by some websites.

Lastly, too much time spent browsing the web can lead to addiction in some cases; this could be detrimental to one’s productivity in real life activities such as studying or working. Also, spending too much time on social media makes us more likely to compare ourselves negatively with others leading to feelings of inadequacy and depression.

Overall, while we should appreciate all that the internet offers us in terms of entertainment and communication tools; we must also recognize its potential harm and take necessary precautions accordingly.(!) Constant vigilance over what our children consume online as well as monitoring our own usage habits are essential if we want to make sure we don't fall victim of any possible dangers lurking on the world wide web.